Government--private sector collaboration activated as never before

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, /MONTSAME/ At a meeting with Property Relations department (PRD) officials on Monday, a first Deputy Mayor of Ulaanbaatar city B.Baatarzorig underlined that this year is to be heralded with Government--private sector partnership "which means that property-related relations will boost, activated by the UB city's obligation to run some 200 kinds of works; new property will be registered." "I do hope that the PRD will work in its full capacity and even more," he added.

"According to the census of 2009, Ulaanbaatar had one trillion 159 billion worth property structured as constructions, machines and equipment and others, non-circulating turnover account for four percent of the total capital," said in response the PRD head Ch.Odnasan and spoke about the plans for 2011. "We want to share experinces with similar to us organizations, introduce latest information technology, count all auto-roads and bridges, to register equipment and so on--six goals altogether," he said.

"Investments are increasing for running auto-roads, erecting sport complexes with swimming pool at the city's seven districts, creating green gardens at nine districts, making underground passages at five places, so your work to register all of them is increasing," Baatarzorig replied.



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