
The artist G.Norovragchaa cannot be limited by any narrowly defined fine art categories while he is creating his work. His limitless imagination and inner world takes shape in his artwork, far from the reach of categorization.

Only after G.Norovragchaa has committed his inner space and imagination to paper, does he give a title to his creations. His paintings are created the same way. The man riding a motorcycle in the painting, is honest, adept at bidding but not foxy and brash. He made a ladder to sell. His regular customer is a mermaid. She uses the ladder she bought to fish. Why does she use the ladders? Because she catches and fries fish. Fish get exhausted jumping the ladder over and over again. She is hiding a nasty mind behind a beautiful face. Grass on the river bank sees her wicked intentions, but the grass cannot tell the fish what it knows. The artist depicts a green horse made of grass, the voice of both the grass and fish. A fisherman is mermaid’s workhand. His face shows the expression of someone who has no ambition. G.Norovragchaa depicts natural law, a world in which humans and nature assist and destroy each other.

The mermaid, cheating others, is a fish much like what she is laying on the dinner table. Man, ready to eat his food, holds a fork and flower in his hand instead of knife. He’ll give the flower to the beautiful mermaid, and after that he will eat. The artist studied a lot of flowers to choose which one he would paint. The flower is a kind of lily. It has a long life and is shaped like a knife. The flower was ideal for the composition. A glass of water is there for the mermaid. She is a water animal so she’ll have a sip of water one last time.

This is a stereo painting. A son, growing up with his mother, went to the military service and became an underofficer. Underofficer is not a topmost position, but to his mother, her son acquired merit. This painting depicts an officer who cannot stand taking a picture with his mother. That is why the mother is standing, but the son will not come to his mother. There is no connection between them. The mother must feel lonely waiting for her son.

The artist is deeply saddened by women giving birth and discarding their children. This is his painting expressing that sadness. The babies take on challenges to become human and go to their parents. The babies on the cloud are gathering flowers of happiness from the sky to give to their parents.

This painting is the result of a long pondered thought of the artist. He read “Dark rock” literature again and again. When he read it, different thoughts were inspired, so different thoughts are reflected in the painting. The famous Mongolian poet, writer and playwright, D.Natsagdorj is depicted in the artwork. The artist expressed N.Natsagdorj’s wish to trample on a society pressing down on him, by portraying N.Natsagdorj’s feet on a table. Wine that relaxed him during hard times, his lover who imagines herself a mermaid, and friends who could not help him, are portrayed in the painting. A man playing the piano is describing his wish to help himself.

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