24 foreigners in Mongolia have been registered in criminal records

Considering the ever growing number of tourists that come to Mongolia each year is clear that tourism is booming. Even when comparing 2009 and 2010, the number of tourists visiting our country increased by 10.8% in comparison with the previous year, while Asian tourism increased by only 9.2% in 2010. Most certainly this increase in tourism results in our economic growth. Tourism makes up most of our economy after mining and farming. Along with the growth of tourists visiting Mongolia, the crime committed by aliens and being victims of crime is increasing as well. According to the criminal record, 63 tourists were victims by pickpockets or who been robbed since January 2011, whereas 27 aliens from China and 10 were visiting from South Korea. Also, 24 foreigners have been registered in criminal records, 13 from China, 4 from Russia and 2 citizens from South Korea. Due to the record by the Police Department, most Chinese visitors are breach a visa extension period, but Koreans been reported that they deceive people in Mongolia. For instance, a resident of Chingeltei district B. claimed that was been tricked by Korean citizen on August 8, 2011. It was identified that South Korean citizen Yun Yong-gu deceived six residents of Mongolia, saying that he would mediate them to be involved in long-term agreement job in Korea and took from these people USD 7,200 in advance totally.

Source : infomongolia.com


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