Court sent order to top officials on July 1 case

Court case related to the police officials who give an order to use gun on July 1, 2008 scheduled on March 14.

In previous court hearing which took place on February 27. Layers of police officials general Ch.Amarbold (former head of General Police Office), colonel Sh.Batsukh (former head of Security department), colonel O.Zorigt (former head of Metropolitan Police Office), colonel G.Ganbaatar (former Public order department) requested to call to case hearing such officials ex-President N.Enkhbayar, ex-Prime Minister S.Bayar, ex-Justice Minister Ts.Munkh-Orgil, ex-member of National Security Counsil D.Lundeejantsan as eye-witness.

By the request all officials, ex-President N.Enkhbayar, ex-Prime Minister S.Bayar, ex-Justice Minister Ts.Munkh-Orgil, ex-member of National Security Counsil D.Lundeejantsan have received order to attend court hearing.

Former President N.Enkhbayar informed journalists that he will attend if court hearing will held open to the public and journalists.

On July 1, 2008, two days after parliamentary election in Ulaanbaatar occurred citizens demonstration which later become disorder and four citizens were killed and five seriously injured in police firing.


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