Tavan Tolgoi and Oyu Tolgoi to have their own power plants

Both Oyu Tolgoi and Tavan Tolgoi will have separate power plants to address their energy needs.

The government committed to resolving a variety of pressing issues regarding infrastructure to the development of the South Gobi region in a recent cabinet meeting.

The government hopes to address issues regarding water, transportation, and energy supply in the Gobi. The government commissioned Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi to complete a feasibility study for a power plant for its mining operations this year. Meanwhile, Oyu Tolgoi is responsible for building a power plant to supply enough energy for production without impacting the project’s budget cost and to consume coal produced by Tavan Tolgoi. To expand the regions water supply government also plans to explore for underground water sources near or at Tavan Tolgoi and Sainshand. For transportation, the government plans to construct a four-lane, 245 kilometer paved road from Tavan Tolgoi to Gashuun Sukhait, bordering China. It is also investigating the possibility for roads from the South Gobi to Khangai Mandal Soum and The Zamyn Uud border zone to China. Mongolian Mining Corporation (MMC) reported last month the completion of its commissioned paved road between its Ukhaa Khudag coking coal mine and the Gashuun Sukhait border zone to China. The two lane road is intended for heavy-loaded coal trucks. “Putting responsibility for developing the power plants in the hands of investors should ensure that the mines will have sufficient power when it is needed,” said Senior Infrastructure Specialist of World Bank Jim Reichert.

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Source : Business Council of Mongolia


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