Speaker meets DUMA delegation

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, /MONTSAME/ Parliament Speaker D.Demberel met Monday a delegation led by V.G.Maleyev, a head of the Russia-Mongolia parliamentary group at the State Duma of the Russian Federation (RF).

The Speaker has expressed a satisfaction with a successful development of the strategic partnership relations and cooperation between Mongolia and Russia and with deepening of the collaboration at all levels. He has underlined that high level meetings greatly influence the bilateral relations, for example, a visit of Mongolia's parliamentary delegation to Russia paid at invitation of the State Duma in 2009.

D.Demberel has pointed out that parliaments and friendship groups have played significant role in development of the traditional relations and cooperation, and said he wants to boost the inter-parliamentary ties and to bring them into a newer level. He spoke about an importance of the countries' parliaments in widening all kinds of methods of the cooperation in mutually beneficial ways, and reaffirmed an invitation for the Speaker of State Duma Gryzlov to visit Mongolia.

Mr. Maleyev has congratulated D.Demberel and MPs on the 20th anniversary of establishment of the permanent parliament in Mongolia. He has underlined that a plan of parliaments' cooperation reflects a special importance of expanding the regional ties and border collaboration. "Duma's members are also paying attention to boosting the regional cooperation," he added.

Mr. Maleyev has thanked the Speaker for highly valuing contribution of the parliamentary groups to widening the bilateral cooperation. Mentioning that the Russia-Mongolia parliamentary group actively participates in all measures concerning the inter-parliamentary relations and cooperation, Maleyev has said that an exhibition of artists from Russian Buryatia will open in Ulaanbaatar in frames of the visit.

Present at the meeting were Z.Enkhbold, head of the Standing committee on security and foreign policy, D.Odkhuu, Kh.Narankhuu MPs, and others.



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