Su.Batbold: MPRP supported semi proportional system

Interview with MP Su. Batbold

Q: The MPRP fraction backed semi proportional system, didn’t it?

Su. Batbold: Yes, it did. This system features both elements of majority and proportional systems. We believe that the ratio of “26:50” is most suitable for our country. In other words 26 members will be elected by majority system and the remaining 50 by proportional.

Q: Does it mean that you have to draw up a bill on semi proportional system?

Su. Batbold: A working group set up by the SGK and chaired by N. Enkhbold is working on the matter. I am comprised to this group as well. Representatives of parties comprised in the working group are currently negotiating on the issue. Although the DP fraction backs the “26:50” version in principal; it still doesn’t agree with some of its features. I mentioned previously that 50 members will be elected by proportional system; our party considers that the voter should vote for a candidate while the DP sees it suitable to vote for a party. Our proposal remains in compliance with the constitution. As you are well aware of the constitution doesn’t contain any regulations that specifies about electing a party. It stipulates that an eligible voter can cast his or her vote for a candidate.

Q: You’ve mentioned previously that 26 members will be elected by majority system, how many constituencies will be there?

Su. Batbold: One constituency for every aimag and 6 constituencies in the city

Q: How should the voter cast his/her vote?

Su. Batbold: The voter will receive two ballots. One of them will contain a list of candidates running for that aimag’s or district’s constituency. The other one will have a list of candidates from that party. Therefore, the voters would have to cast two votes.


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