Mongolia spends 426.5 million MNT for gobi bear protection programs

This year, over 426.5 million MNT was spent for programs designed to protection of the endangered mazaalai (gobi bear). The programs were funded by governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as project organizers.

As part of the program, officials reported that two springs in Shar Khuls and Khushuut of the Great Gobi National Park were recovered, and two solar and wind powered automatic artesian wells were prepared at Myangan Tooroi and Baruun Shargad regions.

Furthermore, the program officials said that three ground-based generators were built which influence the climate to produce rain. Thanks to the generators, Great Gobi “A” Highly Protected Area experienced rain twice this year and the precipitation rate in the Segs Tsagaan Bogd region increased by five to ten milliliter.

This year, two gobi bears gave birth to twins, increasing their population by four. Gobi bear protectors said this is a very good news as only less than 30 gobi bears were left in the world.

Zoologists constantly debate on whether the gobi bear is an independent specie or a sub-specie of the common brown bear. The Mazaalai Genetics Research Center said it is focusing on the issue to classify the gobi bear and end the debates. The first research of the center proved that the gobi bear is genetically different from the brown bear that live in Altai, Khangai and Khentii mountain ranges of Mongolia.

Mongolian researchers are now jointly conducting a genetic analysis with international experts at the University of Idaho to find out whether the gobi bear is genetically different from the brown bears in Himalaya.

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