Tavantolgoi shares to be listed on Hong Kong, London exchanges

At its meeting on Wednesday, the Government decided to issue shares of Erdenes Tavantolgoi LLC on the Mongolian, Hong Kong, and London stock exchanges

Cabinet Secretariat Chief Ch.Khurelbaatar told journalists that Erdenes Tavantolgoi plc (public limited company) will be established in Great Britain to issue shares. The members believe Tavantolgoi shares will be in great demand, justifying the establishment of Tavantolgoi plc. Ch.Khurelbaatar said the Government plans to register Tavantolgoi at the London exchange “in the near future.” Estimated share prices have not been set, but Ch.Khurelbaatar said they will have “high value.”

According to the 39th protocol of Parliament, every citizen of Mongolia will own shares in Erdenes Tavantolgoi LLC.


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