Government to cut electric rates

At Wednesday’s meeting of the Government, members decided to reduce nighttime electric rates for some households in ger districts by 50 percent. It is hoped the change will encourage more residents to heat their homes with electricity instead of coal. The discount will be in effect from 6 p.m. to 9 a.m. all winter.

Members passed rules implementing the change. The rules allow electric providers to bill the state for the reduced rates. Finance Minister S.Bayartsogt was asked by energy providers to make up the difference.

Households in the pollution “restriction zone” that use low-smoke stoves, don’t burn raw coal, and are insulated will be eligible for the discount. They will also be eligible to purchase electric heaters at a discounted price. Eligible households should contact their electric provider directly to arrange for the discount.

It’s estimated the program will cost the state MNT 2.5 billion in 2011 and MNT 5.9 billion in 2012.

Members also asked relevant ministers and the Ulaanbaatar mayor to report to the Government on the progress of anti-pollution measures in June.


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