STEM grant helps student volunteer in Mongolia

Glenbrook North student Barsbold Darmabal received a GBN grant to help him to volunteer in Mongolia. Below is the press release from Glenbrook High School District 225:

As a fluent bilingual speaker in Mongolian and English, Glenbrook North junior Barsbold Darmabal felt he could make a difference volunteering in a recently opened International Medical Hospital in Mongolia.

With help from a GBN grant, he will be able to make the 6000-mile trek.

Since 2010, the GADGET STEM grant awards $500 to a student to pursue a STEM discipline beyond the regular school curriculum.

In order to apply, Darmabal had to submit an application, a 100 to 250-word essay and a letter of recommendation.

“I think that this would be amazing in helping me further progress my exposure to other cultures, and different lifestyles,” Darmabal said. “Mongolia is a third world country and I have interest in seeing the difference in health care and getting this exposure will be a life-changing experience.”


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