Will it ease the rush hours

On our previous issue we have informed you that all the governmental organizations operating under the authorization of Mayor of Ulaanbaatar are starting up work at eight in the morning instead of nine and finishing at five pm instead of six.

Up until now all the governmental as well as private organizations followed the work schedule of nine to six. So you can call this Mongolia ’s first major reform. This plan was initiated by the mayor of Ulaanbaatar to ease the rush hours in the city around these times.

If you have noticed, from eight to nine in the morning people have the worst time of the day by cursing and sitting in their cars for hours just to move inch by inch. For instance, people who live at Zaisan have to leave home around seven to eight to get to the city centre at on time. Actually, if you think about it nine am is pretty late to start work. Countries with same or even worse traffic introduced work hour schedules with variations. In Japan and China , people start working at different times to reduce the traffic. There is a saying in Mongolia that the main symptoms of a person becoming lazy and loosing his way is when he starts eating and sleeping a lot. This lifestyle of our country is influencing on us badly, turning us into people who sleep until the mooing of cows wakes us up. Mongolians explain that people should wake up by the squawking of roasters but the laziest ones wake up by the sound of cows, because cows start making noise only in the afternoon. In old days, Mongolians never used to sleep later than then pm.

Even today nomads wake up at six a.m. to herd the animals. As for the city folks like many of people I know our work ends so late and we go partying until the dawn. We the UB Post also published an article about how the streets remain full of cars during the night and even after midnight constant honks don’t let you sleep in peace. This also have something to do with our unhealthy lifestyle, on some level. So this new plan initiated by the Mayor will not only influence positively on rush hours but also on improving our life styles. However the organizations under the Mayor’s authority are not so many so only those starting work early as well as finishing early may not help the situation that much. If other governmental organizations as well as some private businesses joined this reform it would help the traffic situation very much. If the employees in Mongolia would start up work at different hours or at least they could be divided into two groups the rush hour would not be such a disaster. On this note I want remind the fact that the Mongolian government lacks on the ability and power to put their laws into action.

They initiate laws but no one bothers to follow them. Indeed, there is humorous saying that Mongolian law lasts only for three days. Therefore the UB Post went around “investigating” on the government organizations under the Mayor’s delegation. It has been less than three days since the new regulation was applied and yet we still saw flaws. The work was not starting at eight o’clock as planned. I guess the humor is true. Mongolian laws do last less than three days. So we hope that this regulation will not end up being just like the previous laws and regulations. The UB Post cheers the Mayor and wishes the Government to get at least this simple regulation right for a long-term. We hope this spreads around more organizations and gets support from the citizens.


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