Ch.Saikhanbileg: Draft election law could pass soon

After a meeting of the DP caucus on Monday, caucus chairman Ch.Saikhanbileg told journalists that the caucus hopes the draft election law will be passed this week.

The DP and MPP caucuses have reached agreements on several disputed items in the draft law. The DP caucus has accepted the MPP caucus’s proposal concerning the criteria for transferring candidates between the majority and proportional segments of Parliament.

By accepting the MPP caucus’s proposal, the DP caucus has cleared the way for passage of the draft law. Ch.Saikhanbileg said, in any event, the draft law will result in a freer and fairer election than the current election law.

Ch.Saikhanbileg also said that the draft election law includes input from political parties that have not held seats in Parliament. Those parties have sent 32 suggestions, 27 of which have been accepted by working groups on the draft election law.

He added that a women’s quota would be included in the draft election law stipulating that 15 women candidates, or 20 percent, should be nominated among the 76 candidates from each political party.


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