Taiwanese diplomat discusses relations with Mongolia

Edmund Tseng, outgoing head of the Taipei Trade and Economic Representative office in Ulaanbaatar, recently spoke with our correspondent about relations between Taiwan and Mongolia.

Q: How long have you been here in Mongolia?

A: It has been more than three years. For me it was like yesterday. Time went very quickly.

Q: Winter must seem extremely cold to you here in Mongolia. How did you get used to it?

A. During the first year I did not get used to it. The cold winter was not familiar to me. But the second and third years became better to me. I even visited some aimags like Arkhangai, Uvurkhangai, Tuv, Dornod, Khuvsgul, Khentii, and also Darkhan Uul. Mongolia is a beautiful country. Before I came here I did not know about Mongolia. Since I came here, I have found it to be very nice. Although winter is cold, friendship is warm. Your people are very nice. In my third year in Mongolia I invited my family to Mongolia. They enjoyed the summer.

Q: I was told that you are leaving for your home country soon. Since you have been here in Mongolia more than three years, you must be “Mongolized” by now.

A: I am half Mongolian and half Taiwanese. I have so many Mongolian friends. They say that I am almost a Mongolian.

Q: I was told that an increasing number of Mongolian students have been granted scholarships to Taiwanese universities since you came here.

A: First of all, before I came, less than 300 students were studying in Taiwan. But each year it was different. Because, while some of them come, others leave after they complete their studies. But now there are 550 Mongolian students studying in Taiwan. The number of students has increased from 200 to 550 in three years. This is the first point. The second is that Taiwan is interested in increasing and promoting our student exchange programs. Because we think this is good for your younger generation to promote understanding between Mongolia and Taiwan. It is very important for the future. Since coming to Mongolia, I have focused on many things. Among them is increasing scholarships. We hope more scholarships will be offered to Mongolian students. Last year only 100 scholarships were offered to Mongolians by all our universities. But this year we will give 300 Mongolian students scholarships.

Q: What about Taiwanese students? Are they interested in studying in Mongolia? How many Taiwanese students are here in Ulaanbaatar?

A: I should say very few students are studying in Mongolia for several reasons. More than before, but the rate is increasing very slowly. One reason is visa difficulties. Even me, as an ambassador, it is tough to get a visa. … Currently 125 countries grant Taiwan free landing visas. So there are 125 countries we Taiwanese can go without a visa. However Mongolia is not one of them….

This is not a political thing. The Cold War is over. Mongolia, Taiwan, and China are friends. Now, Taiwanese can go to China without a visa. In September, the United States announced publicly that Taiwan can be a candidate for a free visa. … I hope my successor will continue to encourage students, tourists, and businessmen to come to Mongolia. But I am afraid they might go to United States instead of Mongolia.

Q: In what field are Taiwanese businessmen interested in cooperating with Mongolians?

A: They are interested in Mongolian cashmere and milk products and mutton. In Taiwan mutton is very expensive. But very few people come because of this visa problem.

Q: What is the reason behind more Mongolian students wanting to study in Taiwan?

A: Living conditions are very good in Taiwan and it is also a safe place to study. Once they get a degree they want to study further to get a master’s or a doctorate. In comparison to Western and European countries, tuition is lower in Taiwan. And the quality is almost the same. We hope more and more students return to Mongolia to contribute to development in the future.

Q: Mongolia has vast natural resources. Everyone talks about it. In your opinion is it an advantage or a disadvantage?

A: Natural resources are a gift. They are always good. Do not say that it is not good. But how to develop it, how to engage your people’s wisdom, power, and strength is the important thing.


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