Batj.Batbayar: Gasoline prices could fall by MNT 500

MP Batj.Batbayar told journalists on Friday that he has submitted a draft law on oil exploration and importation to Parliament.

He said the law would give the Government control of petroleum imports, while the current importers would be allowed to continue retail sales of fuel. The MP believes this would curb gasoline price increases.

Batj.Batbayar said the price of a liter of gas could be reduced by MNT 500, because citizens use just 30 percent of the country’s imported gasoline. The rest is used by large mining operations. Mongolia annually imports one million tons of gasoline.

He also said that if the Government subsidized the import of petroleum, a liter of gas could cost MNT 500 less.

He added that the Oil Association and the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority are have prepared opinions on the draft law.


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