Yellow Sand Symptoms Can Be Prevented

3/1/2012 - OSAN AIR BASE, Republic of Korea -- March and April on the Korean Peninsula bring a break between the winter-bearing Siberian air mass and the summer swelter that flows from Southern Asia.

But, just to keep things interesting, spring in Korea also means yellow sand storms from the Gobi Desert in Northern China, Inner Mongolia, and Manchuria.

These sand storms kick up huge clouds of dust that can travel all the way to Korea. When that happens, the Korean Meteorological Association's weather officials may issue "Yellow Sand" health advisories or health warnings. The level of warning depends on how much sand, measured by the number of dust particles, is in the air.

Click here for information on health advisories and warnings.

Osan's Public Health and Weather officials monitor the Yellow Sand level and provide continual updates as conditions warrant.

The greatest health risks associated with Yellow Sand are respiratory problems especially for those with allergies, asthma, emphysema, or other forms of chronic respiratory disease. These problems may include congestion, eye irritation, coughing, phlegm, chest discomfort, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

If you or a family member has one of these conditions, click here for more information.

During the Yellow Sand advisories and warnings, the best preventive measure is staying indoors with doors and windows closed. Those with allergies or respiratory disease should avoid outdoor activities.

The following additional measures can also help:

· Limit outdoor activities
· Wear glasses instead of contacts
· Wash exposed skin after returning indoors
· Wear long sleeves
· Cover mouth and nose
· Do not drink or eat food outside
· Drink water frequently
· People with lung disease, older adults, and children should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion

Health Advisory - Moderate Level Recommendations:

· People with health conditions should avoid or minimize all outdoor activities.
· People without health conditions should not conduct outdoor physical training.

Health Warning - High Level Recommendations:

· All personnel should remain indoors as much as possible. Keep physical activity levels low if you must go outside.

For more information regarding Yellow Sand, call Public Health at 784-4494/5229.


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