T.Namjil: Mongolians struggle with “I do”

One of the few organizations that is working on the issues facing families in Mongolia is Ulaanbaatar University’s Family Study Center.

The following is an interview with Dr. T.Namjil, Chief of the Family Study Center.

Q: What were the results of the Mongolian family study?

A: The issues that families are facing are becoming more difficult in this globalized world. We can’t ignore Mongolian family issues. There are over 740 thousand families in Mongolia and they are facing things like divorce, husbands who drink alcohol, and overbearing wives. 

Spouses need to talk each other; it helps them overcome their family issues. The Family Study Center is helping them to live happily and giving information about family issues. Also we are organizing training through other organizations as well. 

Q: The Mongolian population is made up 70% children and young adults. How is the family knowledge of young adults? 

A: Compared to older generations, marriage is increasing and Mongolian youngsters are divided into two areas when it comes to this issue. Many are either getting married too soon, or waiting too long to get married. 

Many youths get married too fast. They make a rush decision. I say with littler exaggeration that men proposed after only three hours. 

Some date for around three months and begin living together, but then separate. This leads to unwanted pregnancies, abortions, and divorces. Doctors also say that sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise.
Children need to get important family know and skills before high school graduation. Our center has been trying to organize lectures at high schools, but it has been difficult for us. The directors of the high schools say, ‘What family? We do not need to be preparing them for a family yet.’ 

Q: And the other part is?

A: Other part is the more sophisticated youngsters who prefer to live alone. This situation is observed in many foreign countries and is related to a vanishing perception of family. They believe that if they marry someone they will become a slave and they will loose their freedom. Living alone can damage peoples’ feelings. 

Q: Its becoming a trend for Mongolian women to get married to foreigners. How damaging is this?

A: Most of people tend to dislike this trend and as I said above the world is getting globalized. We can’t blame them for marrying foreigners; it’s their right. If child is born between them the issue will be more serious. 

When I was in South Korea studying I saw a Mongolian woman whom married Korean man and they had a child. Her child speaks in Korean fluently but she could not speak Korean even though she had lived there for five years. It was so sad that she could not speak to her son. It is so sad that Mongolians women or men who live in abroad have forgotten their home country. 

Q : Divorce is a negative phenomenon in society. Children are suffering because of it. What things influence people into getting a divorce? 

A: Children suffer the most when they become victims of divorce. Research has confirmed that children who are raised by only their mother or father experience negative changes in their psychology and their growth process.

Divorced couples are using the wrong words when they communicate. They hurt each other’s feelings and end up divorcing. They have to talk each other about their relationships openly. This will help them to save their family.


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