N.Khurelbaatar: There are 1000 people with extraordinary and unusual names living in Mongolia

-What is the longest name?

-Dorjsurenjantsankhorloonerguibaatar is the longest name. That person works as an accountant at the Emergency Center. Once he told me a funny story about how can’t fit his name in his work reports. Other Mongolian long names are Mongolekhorniiugluu (Mongol country’s morning), Ochirbaynmunkhdorjsurenjav,Olzmedekhkhuukhenbaatar, Enkhtuguldurbaysgalan, Naimanzuunnadintsetseg (Eight hundred precious flowers), Ulamundrakhtuya, Uuliinyagaantsetseg (Pink flower of mountain). There are also, however, very short names such as Az (Luck), Och (Sparkle), Od (Star), Ur, Ish and Ya.
-How appropriate do you think it is to choose such unusual names for children?

-Giving newborn children such unusual name is related to preserving their lives. In early times, Mongolians whose children suffered from diseases and died at young age, used to give their newborn children names like Enebish (Not him, Not her), KhunBish (Not Human), Henchbish (Nobody), Orgodol (Runaway). Parents had the intention of cheating or escaping bad luck. I had a friend whose name was Khenchbish (Nobody). I asked him the reason he has such weird name and he explained that when he was child his name was Batbaatar (Strong hero). But he was always suffering from diseases and that’s why he changed his name to an unusual one. 

People believe that the names they have relate to their destiny. The law of Mongolia has a provision about a person being able to change their name once in a lifetime.Mongolian psychologists agree that a name has a relationship with destiny and they believe that by changing a name, people can reach success and avoid bad luck. Well, I wish parents would choose their children right and appropriate names from the start.

-What do you mean by the right and appropriate name?

The name should be comfortable to call in young age, adult age and senior age. Also I think it is better to give children less unusual Mongolian names. If parents decided to give their babies foreign name, they should know the meaning and explanation of that name. 

-It seems lately people tend to be careful when choosing a name for their child.

-Yes, I think so. People have started to be more carefulin choosing names for their children. In old times if parents didn’t agree on names, they marked names on pieces of rolled paper and just randomly choose from the top after shaking the pile. Now the tendency has changed. In 2011 many parents gave children names like as Enguun, Belguudei, Esui, Setsen, Enerel, Nomin, Bolor and Egshiglen. 

-What is the most common name?

-The most common name is the name that involve Bat (which means strong and bold). There are 13,000 names like Oyunchimeg (Wisdom Tinsel), Altantsetseg (Golden Flower). There are 10,000 more names like Enkhtuya, Batbayrm Otgonbayr, Erdenechimeg, Bolormaa and Bolormaa. 

-Did you study the meaning of your name? What does your name mean?

-My name is a pure Mongolian name. It symbolizes a long healthy life. It is compound name of being smart and a brave hero. 

-Giving children right and appropriate name is basically parent’s responsibility, isn’t it?

-Yes, it is. There is no person without a name. A name is the lifelong mate of the person, thus parents should be careful when choosing their child’s name.


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