The Tale of Genji at Mongolian stage

The Drama theatre to performed The Tale of Genji, a japanese novel on April 27. Playwrigth B.Galaarid wrote Mongolian version of The Tale of Genji named “Opposite love” and Ch.Naidamdorj prodiced for stage.

The original of tale was translated by K.Jargalsaikhn into Mongolian a three years ago. “Theree years ago manager of our theatre suggested to me produce a play on The Tale of Genji. When I read the translation and I though it will difficult to produce. But I said if someone from play wrigther write Mongolian version I’ll try. B.Galaarid wrote excellent play. The Japanese Embassy in Ulaanbaatar supported the project" said Ch.Naidandorj.

The Tale of Genji is a classic work of Japanese literature written by the Japanese noblewoman and lady-waiting Murasaki Shikibu in early years of 11th century, around the peak of the Heiam period. It is sometimes called the world"s first novel, the first modern novel, the first psychological novel or the first novel still to be considered a classic. Notably, the novel also illustrates a unique depiction of the livelihoods of high courtiers during the Heign period.


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