Buffalo native nears confirmation as ambassador

WASHINGTON—Senators of both parties Wednesday praised Piper Ann Wind Campbell, a Buffalo native and career foreign service officer nominated by President Obama to serve as ambassador to Mongolia, as she moved toward Senate confirmation in her new post.

Presiding over the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Jim Webb, DVa., pronounced Campbell well qualified.

And the top Republican at the hearing, Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., said he shared Webb’s confidence that Campbell and two other nominees for ambassadorships who testified at the hearing would serve their country well.

In her testimony, Campbell said: “If confirmed, I look forward to working with this committee to build on the already strong ties between the U.S. and Mongolia.

Rep. Kathleen C. Hochul, an Amherst Democrat and lifelong friend of Campbell’s, introduced her to the committee.

Campbell is the daughter of David N. Campbell—former chief executive officer of Computer Task Group—and Gay Campbell. She is a graduate of the Nichols School and the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, and has a master’s degree in public administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.


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